Hypnotherapy Session
Service Description
Every single memory we’re ever had, whether we consciously remember it or not, is stored in our subconscious mind. Sometimes these memories problems for us, such as an unexplained fear, phobia, or chronic medical issue that baffles doctors. If you have an addiction and are ready to let it go, hypnotherapy can provide a permanent solution. You do the work on the subconscious level to keep the benefits the addiction gives you (relaxation, satisfaction, etc) but remove them from the thing you feel addicted to. The goal of hypnotherapy is to safely, gently, and effectively resolve any issues caused by these subconscious memories/beliefs. How is hypnotherapy different from other types of therapy? *It's economical. - Since most insurance companies have stopped paying for long-term psychotherapy, hypnotherapy offers effective results in a few sessions. * It’s effective. - Unlike traditional talk therapy which works at the conscious level and can take many sessions to provide results, hypnotherapy works at the subconscious level, cutting through mental emotional blocks encountered in talk therapy. * It’s safe. - We don’t prescribe any medications or pharmaceuticals in hypnotherapy, so there no adverse side effects or interactions with medication a client may be taking. * It’s flexible. - Hypnotherapy can be done anywhere that’s quiet and private. When clients live in a different state or country, we can conduct our sessions over the phone or Zoom. Sessions can be recorded for the client’s personal use. Benefits: Weight management Addiction cessation (smoking, sex, drugs, technology, etc) Eliminate fears and phobias Heal chronic pain and/or "mysterious" issues doctors seem to can’t help with Reduce stress and anxiety Heal grief Enhance relationships
Cancellation Policy
24 hours notice required for all cancellations. You may reschedule based on my availability. If you do not cancel within 24 hours of your session start time, you will not be able to reschedule and no refunds will be given.
Contact Details
55 Great Hill Rd Dayton, OH 45414 USA